
The SHIFT – 8/8/8

The Shift - 8/8/8

Welcome the SHIFT – 8/8/8, marking a turning point this year on August 8th, 2024. This is a triple 8 vibration with a very significant meaning for all of us.
As mentioned, in my previous blog article (you can have a read here), we are well beyond of the beyond once we passed the March equinox point and the middle of this very intense and powerful Dragon’s year.
We are beyond a choice point that it is done in a regular way, so we move directly into the SHIFT of a powerful transformation in a very accelerated way.

This moment is not felt in a single day only (August 8th), but throughout the remaining of this year.
Get ready to embrace the SHIFT – 8/8/8 with an open HEART. This marks the jump into a new octave of consciousness and wisdom for all of us. We all live the game of life, either in love or fear. Indeed the shift signifies that we start to envision a whole new level of the game – uplift your game of LOVE when you allow your Soul to guide you. Or uplift the game of Fear when Ego dictates your moves.

Firstly, let’s review the characteristics of such a special day – 8/8/8:
– it is a day infused with feminine energies (given by even numbers)
– in fact is called Lion’s Gate with great symbolism of joy, heart-opening and love.
– Sun culminates its expression, exuberance and flamboyance – especially in the Northern hemisphere where we are in full Leo/ summer season.
– year 2024 (vibration 8 and Year of Dragon) marks as well the peak of the current Solar Cycle. It means Sun is very active in its own transformation and shift with many solar flares, plasma and winds released in the Cosmos, that arrive on Earth, too.
– this day we have quadruple vibration of 8 – a symbol of deep responsibility and full commitment towards a cause, a mission, a project or an idea. It is all about serving a higher purpose in this life.
– number 8 is in close relation with infinite symbol – that can lead to one direction (left) or the other (right). Winds of change can take you from left to right, from up to down and reverse many times as long as you are not able to find your center. Stay centered and allow the shift to happen around you, but not through you. It’s like you are in the eye of the hurricane and the entire storm happens outside, while you are protected from the inside.

Now let’s review how the SHIFT – 8/8/8 happens at the EGO level and later on, at the Soul level. There are infinite possibilities of manifestation with this number, and each path is designed uniquely for your evolution.

Game of Ego has a unique objective – survival:
Many people continue to play the game of life from the limited perspective of the mind and Ego. Well, this simply means survival. For such a limited game the shift marks a deep dive into more problems and challenges. It’s like you see a multiplication everywhere and a fall into abyss. Because actually this is what happens, your ego may fall from one level to another. This time the Shift is downwards.
Mentally, let’s say you can exaggerate with problems and emotionally you can feel overwhelmed. Everything seems too much, too fast, too abrupt. All the things that worked in the past don’t work now. And it is normal, as you find yourself at another level of the game, where old tools don’t work. You start from scratch to build new tools – with much despair, distress, efforts, anxiety and all negative emotions (frustration, anger, fury). Physically, your body can feel exhaustion and burnout as you push forward relentlessly. The more you push for dominance and control (over the storm), the more the external conditions grow stronger.
Remember, your internal mood creates the external reality.
So, in a nutshell, the game of Ego gets even more intense and accelerated, all in a downward spiral. Much more noise and efforts for nothing in return. Survival gets more and more complicated. Your entire energy is focused externally to dominate the adversities.

Game of Soul has a unique and different objective – growth:
Many more people recently started to shift their lives step by step (mostly after 2020, but some of us even before since 2012). The shift from Ego to Soul, from mind to Heart, from Fear to Love. This is the highest meaning and the higher octave of number 8. Instead of falling downward to more stress and survival, be open to move upwards.
The shift happens when you move your focus from exterior to the interior. When you live from inside out. From your heart center you create the conditions for your life. Staying in the center/ eye of the storm/ you are able to notice the flow and move along. You don’t fight and resist the change, but you use it favourably.
Soul loves the freedom and the unknown that come with change and transformation. Welcome in an expanded consciousness of LOVE, wisdom, joy and perspectives that appear in your life. Because it is a day with feminine energies, allow the energy to flow and remain open. Not only for that day, but for this year with vibration 8.
Focus your energy, talents and skills inward to open more your heart and access even more the higher mind (not the limited human mind). What does it mean? To know yourself more by allowing shadows, pains and traumas to surface (because they will) and receive them with forgiveness and love. Knowing yourself at a deeper, complex and profound level and healing your wounds is the most precious gift you can give. This is a guided meditation to help you release and cleanse.
This is your growth this year – to move through accelerated times of Change and the Shift – 8/8/8 with grace, compassion, nurture and support. Like a feminine Mother does – she spreads love, not judgements. She stays firm into light and love, not going downward to conflict and battle.

Are you ready to start a new chapter in your life and begin the Shift- 8/8/8? Find more aspects of the second half of 2024 through a personalized report (get your numerology reading here for yourself or dear ones).
2024 is such a critical year in your path of evolution where the Shift can take you upwards or downwards. Either way, you move to another level of living and understanding.

Allow. Receive. Flow.
Let your heart guide you towards Light and Love!

May this serves you well on your light path!



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