“If the light is in your heart, you will find your way home.” (Rumi)
Individual Coaching Program is the light path of spiritual development and the ultimate transformation of your current Self into a better version. You discovered already that you are a multidimensional being, a divine spark in a physical body with a sacred mission to fulfill this lifetime.
If you are still on the journey of Self Discovery, I truly encourage you to enroll first into the 6- weeks program, before you do this one. (read more https://www.wellbeingguide365.com/sessions/individual-coaching-program-self-discovery-6-weeks/)
You advance on your life journey and discover that the more you unfold your true being, the more profound and complex you are. Because you are unique and designed perfectly.
I invite you to embark into a 3-months Light Path program where you discover who you in truth are, with your brightest light and your deepest shadows. You learn to alchemize your fears into light, love, wisdom and inner power. You tap deeper into your subconscious, where your infinite potential exists and bring to surface the diamonds needed for your growth. It’s you who leads the way, who knows what’s right, who transforms darkness into light. You are the magician in your own life who holds the secret – love, wisdom and power.
What you get in Individual Coaching Program – the Light Path:
- Dig deeper into your unlimited potential by understanding how your complex being functions (4 bodies – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual)
- Understand basics of quantum physics, energy, vibration and frequency and how the Universe works
- Train your mind through meditation techniques and discover your thinking patterns
- Tap into your subconscious realms and learn the power of manifestation through emotions
- Work with the 7 stages of Spiritual Alchemy for your ultimate transformation
- Learn to work with the energy to cleanse, purify, protect and renew your aura
- Each session is designed to answer to your specific needs, by unfolding another layer of yourself. You choose a specific area of your life and you discover your own answers that can light your path
- BONUS: understand the unique vibration of your Soul, mission and purpose in life, biggest lessons and unique set of skills through 1 free numerology reading. Additionally, a live session for a couple reading and compatibility at your choice where you can ask questions/ clarifications
- NOTE: Client has the sole responsibility for his/ her journey and I am immensely grateful to be able to guide him/ her on this light path. All the questions and answers lie within each of us. I can only share some light to where the answers, options, alternatives might be. It is the Client’s free will and choice to decide the next steps and the ultimate course of his/ her life.
Duration: 8 individual Coach sessions (50 min/ each) and 2 Q&A follow-up sessions (30 min/ each). Total: 460 min.
- 3-months package ( 8 X Coach + 2 X Q&A): worth 865 euros
- Bonus: 1 FREE numerology reading in writing + 1 FREE couple numerology live session (worth 121 euros)
- FINAL package price: 840 euros (15% discount offer vs. its worth)
Cristina opened up my path, lighting the way forward, so everything makes sense and is clear. Our sessions together are not the typical coach-client relation, a bit cold and impersonal, but there are in-depth, warm and revealing truths.
(Catrinel M.)
She has this magic talent to explain for every person in a way she/ he understands things that are unspoken and unaccepted yet by a society led by materialistic and temporary achievements.
Her delicacy on how she explains each notion, on how she throws light on various experiences and situations, makes Cristina a precious guide, like a guiding light that you want to have when the external world is confusing and senseless.
If you start your own Self Discovery journey and you are ready to understand more and deeper, Cristina is an excellent spiritual guide. And her energy is simply amazing and fully contagious.😊