‘The Sun comes back every day with new and powerful secrets.’ (Rumi)
When do you start a New Year? When did you start 2022 year?
New Year has a lot of symbolism as it marks an ending as well as new beginnings and most of us associated with January 1st date. But in fact this celebration varies according to different cultures, geographies, Earth zones and traditions.
If you look in history, people celebrated the start of a New Year at different dates, either marking some important astronomical moments (solstice, equinox, lunar or solar phases) or agricultural ones (start of the new season) or even political (in Rome it was the date when consul was proclaimed).
- Aztecs: February 23rd
- Incas: June 24th (Winter Solstice in southern hemisphere)
- Egyptians: September 11th (the start of the agricultural season)
- Vikings (Yule): December 21st (Winter Solstice in northern hemisphere)
- Geto-Dacs: November 30th
- Romans: March 15th (when Roman consul was proclaimed)
- Indians: April 14th/ 15th (solar calendar) or varies in March/ April (lunar calendar)
- Chinese New Year: varies between January 20th and February 20th
- Gregorian Calendar (current): January 1st
- Astrological New Year: March 21st (after Spring Equinox)
So in fact not the date is important, as it is just a convention of those times, but your attitude towards it, as all the time it was marked with celebrations, fiests, dancing and singing and a lot of hope for better. People knew that it was time to release the past and the old behind and to embrace the new with full heart.
Let’s return to 2022 year and have a look at how it started in terms of its symbolism – it is a year of Water and Earth as it has number 2 as definitory energy (a feminine, emotional and water-symbol mark), as well as number 4 as unique signature (2+2 = 4, as a symbol of Earth, Mother Nature, land) and 6 (2+2+2 = 6, as a symbol of balance/ imbalance, polarities, harmony and peace).
Take a look at the first 3 months of this year and notice what happened in your reality and immediate world. Remember, it is not that the external energy makes things happen in your life, on the contrary, you are on a certain frequency, as you emit constant vibration and energy. Your energy attracts similar energy, materialized in people you meet, places you go, conversations you have, emotions you feel and actions you perform. The sum of everything forms your reality and your life.
The start of 2022 year felt rather slow, sluggish, with a lot of ups and downs, of forward moving and pause. Every human being has its own rhythm, but the general feeling is that of a long expectation of something to happen. Some people still wait for the external world to return to where it was before 2020, when it was the Big RESET for majority of the population, others continue to be desoriented and confused and somehow avoiding to take big decisions and few of us understood that the solution lies within. So we are in a BIG process of TRANSFORMATION, of experiencing life in more ways, forms, dimensions and realities. As you look around and you see people divided in their world – some wishing to be in the past, others dreaming about the future and few living in the present.
That’s ok, as the more we experience the diversity of this world, the more we understand that nothing is linear, not even time nor space. Energy is fluide, life flows constantly and ALL is in motion. Earth’s seasons continue to pass by, planets and stars continue to rotate, people continue to live.
What matters the most is your attitude in each day, not only in special formal days like New Year, or other big celebrations. Notice how much things changed in your life since the beginning of this year only:
- do you perceive time the same? do you perceive you can do the same amount of things in 24h as you did 5 years or even 1 year ago?
- Time has a new perception and it is the one of your own filters – when you are stressed time flies and you don’t realize how fast the day ends. As your stress filter is so concerned on this intense feeling that it doesn’t realize anything else. When you are calm and peaceful, time is forever and you feel you spend an eternity enjoying these serene moments.
- do you look at your agenda or to do’s in the same way? do you control it to happen in a certain way or do you let go and allow things to change?
- There are moments when fixed agendas can’t be managed, unless you spend an immense energy to follow-up with people. Things became more fluide and dynamic and you started to be aware. You are conscious that you can’t control things externally as easy as you did in the past. You fixed some meetings, calls, actions and they changed in the last minute. Everything is more dynamic lately, as a reminder to let go of the control. CHANGE is the only constant in your life.
- do you choose out of heart or out of mind? do you choose for yourself or for others? do you follow your heart or others’?
- Your mind or Ego wants control and to be sure of things and sometimes it simply follows the beliefs and preconceptions of the society. Your mind is programmed to follow others’ wishes, the ones before you that established that certain things can be done in a certain way. When you choose with your mind only, you choose out of duty and obligation to comply and obey. When you follow your heart, you allow your unique energy to manifest and you may choose alternative paths suitable for yourself only. Notice if lately, what others said caused you discomfort, conflict or even pain. Notice if you changed in your choices and perceptions.
This year asks you to be present and aware of everything – first within yourself and then outside. You are asked to notice your attitude towards each day, if you treat it like an ordinary day, following the same routines and habits or you mark it as a New Year with the best attitude ever.
Make every day a fresh and new beginning, as you start the best chapter with yourself and you are ever improved and transformed! Be present with your thoughts, feelings, words and actions and align them towards wisdom, love, compassion, harmony and peace – wish the best for yourself, dear ones and the entire humanity, life on Earth and in the Universe as you do on a New Year’s moment.
Mark this start of 2022 as a New Year that is lived consciously, fully present and aware of yourself, your choices and what you really want. All is possible when you believe. Leave the old into the previous year, month, day and moment and celebrate the New You that is born now.
Happy New Year is every day!