
Inner Transformation

‘As far as inner transformation is concerned, there is nothing you can do about it – to force to transform yourself, your partner or anybody else. All you can do is create a space for transformation to happen, for grace and love to enter.’ (Eckhart Tolle)

At the moment I write this blog, we just entered autumn here in the Northern hemisphere and we experienced the Fall Equinox. This is the start of the inward season for the nature, with leaves falling off the trees, animals preparing for the long winter and longer nights. So maybe the energy called me for an inward introspection and reflection time as well, hence this topic now.

The outside world, as we know it, has moments of profound transformation, as we asist at the ending of an era and the birthing of a new one. Some people place this period since year 2000, others 2012, but for vast majority is super visible since 2020, when indeed we entered a new decade.
What became clear for many people is that it is very difficult to control the outside world, with events, situations, changes, rules and regulations, exceptions and so on. What used to be predictable, clear and safe is gone. Hence you feel your life started to be at the mercy of the world, of the news, of the outside authorities and governments.
All of a sudden you feel out of your comfort zone, not by your choice, but by external forces.

‘Life is a lot like surfing.When you get caught in the impact zone, you need to get right back up because you never know what’s coming after the next wave.’

I was taken out of my comfort zone few times in my life and I noticed a pattern – either I chose to resist the change because I was afraid of the unknown or I chose to open to the transformation. Either you are afraid of the next wave or you are ready for it.

The key to understand is that change or transformation is not happening to you, but for you. Sometimes the external reality becomes so upside down and so transformed, that you have no choice but to adapt and change (like we all experienced since 2020). Transformation becomes valuable the moment you allow it inward, you are not forced to accept it from outward. Nature allows autumn season to begin being opened to be transfigured, there is no resistance or no reinforcement externally.

It all starts with your inner transformation. The moment of choice when you are able to decide to what things you say ‘yes’ and to what things you say ‘no’. Whenever you are positive about something, it means you are ready to accept a change no matter how small, Maybe you say yes to consider a new opinion, to listen to a new podcast, to meet a new group of friends, to change the place of encounters. It means you are willing to open up to new possibilities in your life that can transform what you live. You embrace the NEW.
What happens when you say no repeatedly? When you resist to make changes? When you avoid taking risks? When you prefer your safety area? It means either you like so much the status quo, the current way of living, working, partnerships or you are so afraid of changing anything. You live in a stagnation.
Life is all about flow, changes and currents like a river. The more you resist, the more you try to swim upstream and it becomes harder and harder. When you choose internally to flow, you start to experience the downstream and you permit transformation to happen effortlessly, like a swim.

Inner transformation is the engine of evolution and growth in a natural way. Otherwise transformation happens externally, and you are forced to adapt and finally to allow it to happen in your life, too. With transformation you don’t lose the current status, or things or possessions, but you upgrade yourself to a new potential.
Allow this autumn – winter 2022 season to help you unlock your next potential. Reflect on some questions:
– what things am I ready to let go and release like leaves of the trees?
– what things am I ready to begin new and plant new seeds in my life?
– what was the one experience that did transform my life so far?
– what were the mistakes not to be repeated again?

Go inward this season to find your wisdom. Allow transformation to happen by your own conscious choice. Rise up to your next best version!

Check out the recap for September Energy update to be prepared for the crescendo finale of 2022 year!



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