We are asked to be in the flow – December Solstice 2024. As it feels we are in the eye of the storm and one step in the wrong direction may look dramatic.
Solstice marks not only one day, on December 21st but a full 3-months period until the next big moment of Spring Equinox that marks the beginning of a new astrological year.
December Solstice is a combination of many endings and beginnings and a state of deep metamorphosis that we are all in. In fact, nature is in pure state of gestation and regeneration for new life when spring comes. So, it is a moment of going inward to deep self-reflection and analysis for what happened.
I start to love endings as in the past I looked at them with fear, regrets, sadness and grief mostly. Now endings are just another mark in the journey we call life here on Earth. Without a season endings, nothing can begin. Without years passing, no new chapters can unfold.
What’s so special to be in the flow – December Solstice 2024?
- there is a flux between present and past.
- all seems to be moving at once, but not in the desired direction. Ego lost control.
- the more you lose direction and any rational explanation, the more you discover new tools.
- among new tools there is intuition and the use of the right hemisphere of the brain (creative, imaginative, sensorial, perceptive).
- emotions are on a rollercoaster – you feel high in a day, very low the next.
The sense that you lose track of time is even more evident – as the only answer is to stay present. Return to your body and breathing and live what’s right in front of you.
There are 3 big awareness flows in this December Solstice – the more you ride the currents, the more you discover new possibilities:
- The first flow is about WILL – is it all about your Ego and personal will? or do you attune to a Higher Will and perspective?
- The second flow is about FEAR – managing emotions like fear of loss, of not being enough, perfect or fear of the unknown. Let’s try some Spiritual Discipline and Maturity to come on top of your emotional challenges. Through constant practices (sport, nature, breathwork, good health, mental and emotional cleansing & detox)
- The third flow is about MIND – recognize your mental power when you focus and direct your attention where feels right. Change outdated beliefs, perceptions, concepts and ideas of life, in fact all obsolete programs from left hemisphere of the brain. Refresh your mind to capture new choices.
This year represents the start of the collective jump into a deeper understanding of what life means. At individual level, you can find more insights through a personalized report and discussion based on your unique energetic signature (through numerology and astrology – find more details and book a session here)
The image that came strongly associated with In the Flow – December Solstice 2024 is that of a house of cards that is crumbling. The old is gone, and we are in the transition phase to the new chapter at the March Equinox. Meanwhile, it feels like a stormy mess of confusion, illusions, desillusions, mixed feelings and obsolete concepts.
The more you resist to a certain feeling, idea or comfort zone, the more you persist in the old.
When you are open to receive, you understand new perspectives.
Expand not only the rational mind, but the intuitive heart.
As a very practical tip, I strongly recommend to practice energetic cleansing at the end of every day – here is a free meditation that can be helpful.
Have a blessed December Solstice 2024 with your big realization moments!